This is how to mount remote SSH (Secure Sockets Host) filesystem on your local directory (e.g., /home/clemrasul/remoteserv) on Linux. Mounting remote directories in this way allows you to do server side programming with ease since source code can be edited using your favorite GUI text editor. The text editor need not have the feature of being able to log on to an SSH server. Here are the steps:
Step 1: Install the sshfs software
On Ubuntu, this is done using the command apt-get.
# apt-get install sshfs
Step 2: Place it in the Linux module and give permissions
# modprobe fuse
# adduser clemrasul fuse
# chown root:fuse /dev/fuse
# chmod +x /dev/fuse
This assumes a username of "clemrasul" that is added to the "fuse" group.
Step 3: Create the directory where the remove SSH filesystem will be mounted
# cd /home/clemrasul
# mkdir ~/remoteserv
This assumes a remove directory name of "remoteserv".
Step 4: Mount the remote SSH directory as follows:
# sshfs {fully qualified SSH username}:{default directory} {local directory mount point}
# sshfs ~/remoteserv
You will be prompted by the remote SSH server for password. Once authenticated, the remote directory can be seen in the local directory as:
# cd /home/clemrasul/remoteserv/