Materials Needed
1. Milk - 1000ml
2. Live Yogurt Culture - 1 TBSP (You can use Yogurt purchased from store provided it still got live yogurt culture and NOT pasteurized)
3. Yogurt container that can hold 1500ml or more; preferably glass container
1. Heat the milk in a pan at 72C for 15 seconds or more;
2. Pour the heated milk into the container, place lid slightly ajar, and let the milk cool to around 42C or less;
3. Once cooled, mix the Live Yogurt Culture to the milk; Stir to ensure the culture is distributed evenly throughout the milk;
4. Cover the container, this time you can keep the lid tight. Wait for 24 hrs for the milk to curd. Once the milk got consistency similar to store bought Yogurt, your homemade Yogurt is ready. Place it in the refrigerator for storage.