Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Black Soldier Fly Research

Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens)

Food Waste Coversion Ratio

  • 1000kg of Food Waste coversion ratio to BSF Frass ranges from 12% (120kg) to 25% BSF frass (250kg)
  • 1000kg of Food Waste conversion ratio to BSF Larvae ranges from 5.5% to 12.5% BSF larvae (125kg)





  1. Frass derived from black soldier fly larvae treatment of biodegradable wastes. A critical review and future perspectives,, 
  2. Black soldier flies (Hermetia illucens Linnaeus) as recyclers of organic waste
    and possible livestock feed,

Tuesday, March 19, 2024


Growing Spirulina

a)  Materials Needed

  • Hydroponic Solution A (25ml) and B (25ml)
  • Non-iodized Table Salt - 10 TBSP (approx 140 grams)
  • Baking Soda - 10 TBSP (approx 140 grams)
  • Non-chlorinated Drinking Water - 10 liters
  • Aquarium Aerator (Air Pump, Hose, Air Stones)
  • Transparent or White Plastic Pail that can hold at least 11 liters of Water 
  • Spirulina Live Culture - 1 liter
  • If grown indoor, grow lights
  • If grown in non-tropical countries, aquarium water heater that can be adjusted between 30C to 38C

b)  Procedure 

  1. Pour 5 liters of non-chlorinated water to the transparent/white pail;
  2. Pour hydroponic solution A into the water and stir, then wait for 5 minutes;
  3. Pour hydroponic solution B into the water and stir, then wait for 5 minutes;
  4. Add additional 5 liters of non-chlorinated water and stir;
  5. Add 10 TBSP of Baking Soda into the water and stir till dissolved;
  6. Add 10 TBSP of Non-Iodized Table Salt into the water and stir till dissolve;
  7. Add 1 liter of Spirulina Live Culture into the water;
  8. Setup the aquarium aerator;
  9. Cover the pail with transparent covering (Transparent Plastic Cover or UV Sheet is recommended);
  10. Place the pail outside where it can be bathe in the sun for 5 to 7 days.


c)  Harvesting Spirulina 

  1. Using an empty pail, strain (preferably using cheese cloth) the spirulina from the growing pail;
  2. Wash the strained spirulina with drinking water till all salts are washed off;
  3. Squeeze and dry the spirulina in the sun or in a mechanical dryer;
  4. Approximately a 10 liter setup should yield 100 grams of spirulina powder;


Thursday, February 22, 2024

Notes on fail2ban

The software "fail2ban" is similar to DenyHosts but more general as it is not only intended for SSHD protection.


On Debian-based system, issue the command:

sudo apt-get install fail2ban -y

On Fedora-based system, issue the command:

sudo dnf install fail2ban -y


The following sample configuration for SSHD are as follows (/etc/fail2ban/):


enabled = true
port = ssh
filter = sshd
logpath = /var/log/auth.log
maxretry = 3
findtime = 300
bantime = 28800
ignoreip =

Saturday, December 2, 2023

Yogurt Fermentation

Materials Needed

1.  Milk - 1000ml

2.  Live Yogurt Culture - 1 TBSP (You can use Yogurt purchased from store provided it still got live yogurt culture and NOT pasteurized)

3.  Yogurt container that can hold 1500ml or more; preferably glass container



1.  Heat the milk in a pan at 72C for 15 seconds or more;

2.  Pour the heated milk into the container, place lid slightly ajar, and let the milk cool to around 42C or less;

3.  Once cooled, mix the Live Yogurt Culture to the milk; Stir to ensure the culture is distributed evenly throughout the milk;

4.  Cover the container, this time you can keep the lid tight.  Wait for 24 hrs for the milk to curd.  Once the milk got consistency similar to store bought Yogurt, your homemade Yogurt is ready.  Place it in the refrigerator for storage.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

RedHill Lactobacillus Concentrate (RLC)

RedHill Lactobacillus Concentrate (RLC)

  • RLC is beneficial microbial inoculant for soil.  It is similar to EMAS, JMS, IMO and LABS.  It principally composed of different strains of lactobacillus and a small proportion of yeasts.  This simple procedure was developed by RedHill Nature Farm and Learning Site Incorporated (RNFLSI).

Why use RLC?

  • RLC is the most cost-effective bio-fertilizer as it is a just a by-product of cooking rice.  It only uses wash rice water, which are often thrown away, as its main ingredient.


  • Bio-fertilizer
  • Seed treatment to increase germination rate
  • Probiotics for farm animals and pets
  • Odor control for kitchen wastes

Materials Needed

  • Softdrink bottle with cap (Preferably 1.5 or 2 liter capacity)
  • Wash rice water (1st and 2nd wash only; Make sure that the wash rice water is cloudy like milk and not super diluted with water).  
  • You can also use STALE RICE so long as the rice have no moldy growth.  When using stale rice, add water, mash the stale rice to a milky texture.  The consistency of milky texture should be the same as the wash rice. 


  1. Place the wash rice water in the softdrink bottle.
  2. Cap tightly.  This is a MUST as we ferment the wash rice water anaerobically.
  3. Wait for 3-5 days for the wash rice water to ferment.  If the softdrink bottle is hard already, it means gasses has accumulated in the bottle and the wash rice water is already teeming with lactobacillus.  It is now ready for use.
  4. Dilute the RLC using 1:10 ratio of RLC to water.  Do not store RLC longer than 7 days as other microorganisms may grow besides our desired lactobacillus and yeasts.  You can always prepare a new batch.


  • Should you really need to store the RLC for much longer period than 7 days, you will need Molasses or Sugar to preserve it.  Add 50ml of Molasses to the RLC.  Cap it tighly and shake till all molasses has been dissolved.  This is ready after 3-5 days.  RLC with Molasses is good for 3-4 months.  The same dilution ratio of 1:10 RLC to water for usage.


Saturday, September 16, 2023

Fermented Cow Dung and Urine Fertilizer


  • Cow Dung - 20 kgs
  • Cow Urine - 20 liters (If there is no cow urine, replace this with 20 kgs of cow dung)
  • Molasses - 2 liters
  • Flour - 2 kgs
  • Non-chlorinated Water - 180 liters 
  • (Optional) 2 liters of EMAS, JMS, LABS or PSB


  • Drum, 200kg capacity with lid;
  • Stick for stirring the ingredients;


  1. Fill the drum with non-chlorinated water (180 liters);
  2. Pour the cow dung (20 kgs) to the drum;
  3. Pour the cow urine (20 liters) to the drum;
  4. Add the molasses (2 liters);
  5. Add the flour (2 kgs);
  6. If you have the microbial inoculants like EMAS, JMS, LABS or PSB, add these;
  7. Mix all the ingredients;
  8. Close the lid; label "FCDU" and "Date of Fermentation"; and ferment for 5 days;


  • 40 liters to 1 hectare;
  • Dilution Ratio is 1:200;
  • Application Rate is 5 times (Seed Preparation [soak seeds for a maximum of 12 hours]; Land Preparation; First Seedling Sprout; First Flowers; First Fruit or Vegetables)

Friday, September 1, 2023

Compost Tea

Compost Tea is compost extract.  You can use this compost extract for drench, foliar spray or organic hydroponics.  The following procedure is good for 1 hectare:

1.  Prepare 100-200 liter plastic container for mixing;

2.  Add 3.5kg to 4kg of Compost to the plastic container;

3.  Add 90-100 liters of Non-Chlorinated Water and mix (Do not use fast mechanical stirrers);

4.  Steep the tea for 3 days, occasionally stir it slowly during the steeping time;

5.  Optional:    (a)  use aquarium bubbler to oxygenate the compost tea; (b)  you can add 1 liter of EMAS, JMS, LABS or PSB; (c) you can add 1kg of Leaf Mold Soil (LMS); (d) you can add humic acid or leonardite (300g or 1 liter); (e) you can add seaweed extract (50g or 100 liters).

USE the compost tea in place of your commercial inorganic fertilizer.

Compost tea is also known as Compost Extract or Compost Soil Extract.