Monday, August 3, 2009

Installing Squid as a Service

To install the Squid Proxy Cache Server as a service under Windows, issue the command:

c:\squid\sbin\>squid.exe -f c:\squid\etc\squid.conf -i -n Squid

The name of the service is "Squid". To verify, type the command "services.msc" and look up the name of "Squid" under the name services column.

Installing PostgreSQL as a Service

To install the PostgreSQL database as a Service under Windows, issue the command the the PostgreSQL directory as follows:

c:\pgsql\bin> pg_ctl -D c:\pgsql\data register -N PostgreSQL

In the above example, PostgreSQL is the name of the PostgreSQL service. Type the command "services.msc" to verify the name "PostgreSQL".