The following compilation procedure has been tested on MS Windows XP Professional using PostgreSQL 8.4.0, MinGW 5.1.4 and MSYS 1.0.11.rc-1.
1. Download MinGW and MSYS from
2. Download PostgreSQL source code from
3. Download the zlib compression library from
4. Install MinGW under the directory c:\mingw
5. Install MSYS under the directory c:\msys. Indicate where mingw is located when prompted by MSYS.
6. Add the path to Windows for the following directories:
c:\mingw\binThis is done by going to "Start->Settings->Control Panel->System icon->Advanced tab->Environment Variables button". Then under the "System Variables" grouping, Select the "Path" and choose "Edit" button. Add the above directories at the end by delimiting it with a semi-colon (;).
7. Install the zlib library:
a) Unpack the zlib in MSYS (c:\msys\home\{username}\zlib)
b) Run MSYS by typing the msys.bat file in c:\msys\1.0
c) At the MSYS terminal, type the following:
$ cd /home/{username}/zlib
$ make -f win32/Makefile.gccd) Copy the zlib1.dll to c:\mingw\bin
e) Copy the libzdll.a and libz.a to c:\mingw\lib
f) Copy the zlib.h and zconf.h to c:\mingw\include
8. Unpack the PostgreSQL source code and copy it to the directory c:\msys\1.0\home\{username}\postgresql.
The source code is in tar.gz format. You can use the 7zip software from to unpack the source code.
9. At the MSYS terminal, go to the PostgreSQL source code directory and run the compile commands as follows:
$ cd /home/{username}/postgresql
$ ./configure
$ make
$ make installThis will create the PostgreSQL binaries in the following directory c:\msys\1.0\local\pgsql
10. Create the default data directory for PostgreSQL as "c:\msys\1.0\local\pgsql\data"
11. You can now copy the folder of PostgreSQL binaries to your desired location like "c:\pgsql" or create an installer package for your other machines.
The MinGW and MSYS software are not needed by PostgreSQL once you are able to create its binaries under Windows.