Sunday, July 19, 2009

Yamane's Sample Size Formula

If you are at a lost as to how to determine your sample size, I suggest you use Taro Yamane's formula:

n = N /[1+N(e)^2]


n = sample size
N = population size (the universe)
e = sampling error (usually .10, .05 and .01 acceptable error)
^ = raised to the power of


This particular formula has been called Slovin's formula here in the Philippines but I kind of doubt the attribution.  I still cannot find the actual work of Slovin but Taro Yamane's work is set out clearly in his book referred below (I got a copy but this is already out of print) including the derivations of the formula.  So while a lot of Statisticians here in the Philippines calls this Slovin's formula, I continue to assert that it is Yamane's formula until I can see the actual work of Slovin. 


Yamane, Taro. 1967.  Statistics:  An Introductory Analysis, 2nd Edition, New York.  Harper and Row.


~MiSs iFF@~ said...

when to use yamane's formula? is there any differences with other formula? is there any specific criteria or conditions to use yamane's formula?

Unknown said...

This formular normally goes with quantitative research

Potential Readers Global Information Resources And Services said...

cochran formula

Nwafor Daniel (Special E) said...

How can one be able to determine "e" or is it constant at 0.05?