Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Installing Webalizer on Ubuntu 14.04

Webalizer is a web-based log file viewer.  To install the software on Ubuntu 14.04, type:

# apt-get install webalizer 

This will install the software in default location. The configuration file is in /etc/webalizer and the default web pages will be created in /var/www/webalizer directory.

The command of the webalizer is:


Edit the webalizer.conf in the /etc/webalizer directory to point to the Apache log file location (e.g., /var/log/apache2/access_log) and issue the command #/usr/bin/webalizer to create the log file HTML in /var/www/webalizer directory.

To execute the webalizer command at regular intervals, use the Linux's crontab command.

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