#apt-get install bind9
By default, the BIND9 software will start running after a successful installation. If your objective is just to set up a "Caching DNS Server," then your installation is complete already and you can proceed to testing the functionality of the DNS server in Step No. 5. The succeeding steps below will configure the BIND9 software as a "Master DNS Server".
2. Configure file "/etc/bind/named.conf.local" by adding the following entries:
zone "rasul.ph" IN { // Domain name
type master; // Primary DNS
file "/etc/bind/forward.rasul.ph.db"; // Forward lookup file
allow-update { none; }; // Since this is the primary DNS, it should be none.
zone "0.16.172.in-addr.arpa" IN { //Reverse lookup name, should match your network in reverse order
type master; // Primary DNS
file "/etc/bind/reverse.rasul.ph.db"; //Reverse lookup file
allow-update { none; }; //Since this is the primary DNS, it should be none.
3. Create entries in the zone and reverse lookup files (Forward & Reverse)
3.1 Create the following entries in the Zone lookup file "/etc/bind/forward.rasul.ph.db"
$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA ns1.rasul.ph. root.rasul.ph. (
3 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
;@ IN NS localhost.
;@ IN A
;@ IN AAAA ::1
;Name Server Information
@ IN NS ns1.rasul.ph.
;IP address of Name Server
ns1 IN A
;Mail Exchanger
rasul.ph. IN MX 10 mail.rasul.ph.
;A – Record HostName To Ip Address
www IN A
mail IN A
clem IN A
mike IN A
rasul.ph. IN A
;CNAME record
;ftp IN CNAME www.rasul.ph.
3.2 Create and add entries in the Reverse lookup file "/etc/bind/reverse.rasul.ph.db"
$TTL 604800
@ IN SOA rasul.ph. root.rasul.ph. (
3 ; Serial
604800 ; Refresh
86400 ; Retry
2419200 ; Expire
604800 ) ; Negative Cache TTL
;@ IN NS localhost.
;1.0.0 IN PTR localhost.
;Name Server Information
@ IN NS ns1.rasul.ph.
;Reverse lookup for Name Server
;1 IN PTR ns1.rasul.ph.
;PTR Record IP address to HostName
1 IN PTR www.rasul.ph.
2 IN PTR mail.rasul.ph.
4. Check bind configuration syntax by issuing the command
# named-checkconf
5. Test the DNS response from a client utility using nslookup or host as follows:
5.1 On the client computer, make changes to the name resolution resolver file "/etc/resolv.conf"
# cd /etc
# vi resolv.conf
nameserver is the IP address of the nameserver where BIND9 is installed
5.2 Test the name resolution using nslookup
$nslookup www.rasul.ph
The response should indicate
$ nslookup
The response should indicate www.rasul.ph
5.3 Alternatively, you can also test name resolution using host command
$ host www.rasul.ph
The response should indicate
$ host
The response should indicate www.rasul.ph
At this point, your master DNS server installation is complete.
6. On occasions, there may be a need for you to restart, stop and start the BIND9 software. This can be achieved by issuing the following command:
To restart the server, issue the command
# systemctl restart bind9.service
To stop the server, issue the command
# systemctl stop bind9.service
To start the server, issue the command
# systemctl start bind9.service
7. The BIND9 software runs under the process called "named". To see if the process is running, issue the command
# ps ax | grep named
You should be able to see the "named" process as running as follows:
11305 ? Ssl 0:00 /usr/sbin/named -f -u bind
11313 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto named
If the process is not running, display will just be as follows:
11219 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep --color=auto named
8. Should there be a need for you to uninstall the BIND9 software, issue the command after stopping the BIND9 service as follows:
# systemctl stop bind9.service
# apt-get remove bind9
This will uninstall the BIND9 software.
# systemctl stop bind9.service
# apt-get remove bind9
This will uninstall the BIND9 software.
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