Thursday, March 5, 2009

What is Port 898 on my CentOS box?

What is port 898 on my Linux CentOS box? Using the #nmap program, I was able to verify that on my system port 898 is open and the service name is "sun-manageconsole". Since I do not know what sun-manageconsole is, I issued the #lsof command to verify what open file is associated with it:

#lsof | grep 898

This gave me the information that its "rpc.statd". I did a quick google search on what rpc.statd is. Accordingly, this is run by the service "nfslock". Since on the server, you will not be using nfs, I quickly deactivated the service and remove it in my startup:

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfslock stop
# chkconfig --levels 2345 nfslock off

The next #nmap command no longer shows port 898, which gave a sigh of relief knowing no server process that I don't know about is running.

By the way, researching a bit further, I found out that "nfslock" may also run on other ports besides 898.

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