Monday, April 6, 2020

Bringing to Life Dead VRLA/Gel Battery

VRLA (Valve Regulated Lead Acid)/Gel Type batteries can be reasonably  brought to life from zero volts to full voltage capacity at 13.1v for a 12v rated battery by charging the battery continuously for approximately 1 1/2 weeks.   Rocket (Made in China) is the brand of VRLA/Gel battery I have used.  My own test was undertaken on 4 VRLA/Gel battery I own.  The charging voltage tested is 6 amps at 15v using automatic charger manufactured by Panther Philippines.

Unfortunately, the same procedure undertaken on a Motolite (Made in the Philippines) Solar Battery, a flooded deep cycle  battery, does not work.  At most, the Motolite battery only registers between 9v to 10v, after 2 weeks (Tested on 2 Motolite Batteries).

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