Monday, February 14, 2022

JADAM Indigenous Microorganism Solution (JMS)

JADAM is a natural farming technology developed by Youngsang Cho.  JADAM is also a group of organic farmers which was established in 1991 and led by Youngsang Cho.  Accordingly, JADAM is a Korean abbreviation of "Jayonul Damun Saramdul" which roughly translates to “People who mimic nature".

The core technology of JADAM is centered on the JADAM Indigenous Microorganism Solution (JMS) and the use of Leaf Mold Soil (LMS).  The following notes are the requirements and procedure on how to make a 3 liter JMS. 


Materials needed and Ingredients

  1. Leaf Mold Soil  - 1/2 cup (3% of Total Material including water)
  2. Casava, Potato, or Sweet Potato (whichever is available) - 1 pc (3% of Total Material including water)
  3. Water (Non-chlorinated; If chlorinated, rest for 24 hours) - 3 liters
  4. Salt (non-iodized) 11g (approximately 1 teaspoon) or 330ml seawater (3% of Total Material including water)
  5. Stick
  6. Bucket (size can fit 3 liters)
  7. String
  8. Mesh cloth
  9. Optional:  juice material from leaves, fruits, and roots of targeted plants


Procedure: Pour water to container 

  1. Dissolve the sea salt in water 
  2. Place the boiled casava and leaf mold soil in mesh net and knead the contents into water. Do this also for the crop material (optional). 
  3. Hang the remaining solids in the water 
  4. Close the lid and leave under the sun near the target crop for culturing (above 18C) for 1 to 3 days 
  5. Monitor when foam forms and harvest the JMS when foam is at its most vigorous
  6. Dilution ratio is 1:10. 1 part of JMS to 10 parts of water (This makes 30 liters of Diluted JMS)
  7. Use clean sprayer and when finished spraying, clean the sprayer immediately before storing       


For other quantities, the following are the guide: 

Good for

Water (liters) 500 100 70 60 50
5.00 7.14 8.33 10.00

Sea Salt (kg) 0.5 0.1 0.07 0.06 0.05
Potatoes (kg) 1 0.2 0.14 0.12 0.1
Leaf Mold Soil (kg) 0.5 0.1 0.07 0.06 0.05
Crop-customized Microbes (Various parts of the targeted Crop Material in kg) 1 0.2 0.14 0.12 0.1

Dilution Ratio 1 JMS:10 of Water

JMS (in liter) 500 100 70 60 50
Water (in liter) 5000 1000 700 600 500
Total JMS Diluted (JMDS) 5500 1100 770 660 550


Note:  You will need to make 1000 liters of JMS for 3 hectares of ricefield

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