Friday, September 1, 2023

Compost Tea

Compost Tea is compost extract.  You can use this compost extract for drench, foliar spray or organic hydroponics.  The following procedure is good for 1 hectare:

1.  Prepare 100-200 liter plastic container for mixing;

2.  Add 3.5kg to 4kg of Compost to the plastic container;

3.  Add 90-100 liters of Non-Chlorinated Water and mix (Do not use fast mechanical stirrers);

4.  Steep the tea for 3 days, occasionally stir it slowly during the steeping time;

5.  Optional:    (a)  use aquarium bubbler to oxygenate the compost tea; (b)  you can add 1 liter of EMAS, JMS, LABS or PSB; (c) you can add 1kg of Leaf Mold Soil (LMS); (d) you can add humic acid or leonardite (300g or 1 liter); (e) you can add seaweed extract (50g or 100 liters).

USE the compost tea in place of your commercial inorganic fertilizer.

Compost tea is also known as Compost Extract or Compost Soil Extract.

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