Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Jadam Sulfur (JS)

This procedure makes approximately 4.1 liters of Jadam Sulfur (JS).


Ingredients / Materials

  1. Sulfur - 1.25 kg
  2. Sea Salt - 0.075 kg (75g)
  3. Caustic Soda (Sodium Hydroxide) - 1kg
  4. Non-chlorinated Water - 4.1 liters
  5. Two (2) pails (30 liters capacity each)
  6. Long wooden stick for mixing
  7. Eye protection and face masks preferably N95



  1. Place the sulfur and sea salt in one pail and mix.  Break the lumps into smaller pieces as possible for easy mixing;
  2. On another pail, place 2.5 liters of non-chlorinated water;
  3. Pour the contents pail containing sulfur and sea salt into the pail containing 2.5 liters of water;
  4. Pour the 1kg Sodium Hydroxide into the pail (Be careful as this process will create tremendous amount of heat that will melt the Sulfur);
  5. Continuously stir the mixture until all the powdered sulfur and salt will have been dissolved in water;
  6. Once all the particles are dissolved, add the remaining 1.6 liters of water and continue mixing until the solution color is uniform all throughout;
  7. Leave it for 1 day to cool down;
  8. Pour, bottle and seal the solution for safekeeping (There is no expiration date so long as the solution is tightly capped);



  • Dilution ratio is within the range of 1:100 and 1:1000;
  • Low Strength is 1ml of JS to 1000ml (1 liter) of water (1:1000);
  • High Strength is 1ml of JS to 100ml of water (1:100);
  • Jadam Natural Pesticide (JNP) is the combination of Jadam Wetting Agent (JWA) plus Jadam Sulfur (JS) and Jadam Herbal Solution (JHS).





Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Test Farm: Organic Rice Production

Test Farm No. 1:  Organic Rice Production


Area = 0.5 hectare

Location:  Oanzon Farm, Burabod, Sorsogon



Before Planting

  1. One (1) month before planting, applied 40 sacks of chicken manure on the rice paddy;
  2. Two (2) weeks before planting, undertook harrowing, flooding, and spraying / sprinkling of 2 liters of Photosynthetic Bacteria (PSB) solution (Produced by RNFLSI contains Rhodospirillaceae and Rhodopseudomonas);  Prepared 160 liters (1 drum) Fortified Jadam Manure Tea (F-JMT), added Calcium and Humic Acid to the JMT, intended for use on the 1st week of planting (Drum 1);
  3. One (1) week before planting, undertook harrowing and spraying / sprinkling of 2 liters of PSB solution; Prepared 160 liters (1 drum) of Fortified JMT intended for use on the 2nd week of planting (Drum 2);
Observation No. 1:  One (1) week before planting, the flooded rice paddy has turned green.  Microscopic sample revealed presence of multitude of blue green algae (BGA - Cyanobacteria), some green algae, rhodopseudomonas, and fungi, and other bacteria, ciliates, various nematodes and multitude of organic matter 

Seedling Preparation

  1. Seeds were soaked for 30 minutes in Mychorrhizal Fungi and Azospirilla Solution (MFA).  Used 1 pack of Myko Plus product (Mychorrhizal Fungi and Azospirilla Bacteria produced by UPLB dissolved in water);
  2. During transplant, seedlings were again dipped in MFA solution for 30 minutes before transplanting.  Used additional 1 pack of Myko Plus product;
During Planting
Baseline Acidity/Alkalinity (PH), Total Dissolve Solids (TDS), and Temperature of the soil in 3 rice paddies (local term:  paras) undertaken 1 week after transplanting:
Paddy IDPH BaselinePH Actual>TDS BaselineTDS ActualTemperature
P1 Lower6.7 ph6.8 ph neutral4 ppm45 ppm29.4 C
P1 Upper6.7 ph6.6 ph neutral12 ppm33 ppm28.4 C
P3 Upper6.7 ph6.8 ph neutral4 ppm28 ppm29.0 C
Average6.7 ph6.7 ph neutral6.67 ppm35.3 ppm28.9 C
Observation No.2: One (1) week after transplanting, paddy field has been drained with only slight flooding. Microscopy observation using 3 sample paddies showed lots of organic matter and minerals in soil. Few bacteria and no nematodes were observed.
  1. One (1) week after tranplanting, applied (spraying / sprinkling) Fortified Jadam Manure Tea (F-JMT) using Drum No. 1;  Made F-JMT on Drum No. 1 intended for use by the 3rd week;
  2. Two (2) weeks after transplanting, applied F-JMT using Drum No. 2.  Afterwards, made F-JMT on Drum No. 2 for use by the 4th week;
  3. Repeated Steps 1 and 2.  

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Procedure for Organic Rice Production

Procedure for Organic Rice Production


  1. Establish physical gap (buffer zone) between your organic rice paddy from your neighboring rice paddies.  The physical gap must be able to ward off contamination from the neighboring non-organic rice paddy.  While the organic standards (USDA and Philippine Organic Standards) does not specify how wide is the distance, most practitioners uses the rough rule of 50 feet distance between the neighboring farms.

After Every Harvest 

  1. Add and disperse Bokashi Composts (Note: 1 hectare requires 4 tons of composts); or 80 sacks (@50kgs per sack) of Chicken or Cow Manure
  2. Apply 500 liters per hectare of diluted JMS or EMAS; or 2.5 liters (concentrate) or 250 liters (diluted at 10ml PSB to 1 liter of water) of PSB
  3. Leave Rice Straws in the Field and use as Natural Mulch and cover the soil as much as possible


Seedling Application

  1. Soak rice seedlings for 24 to 48 hrs in Trichoderma Fungi solution (1 pack to 40 liters); or Mycorrhizal Fungi solution (1pack to 40 liters)


Before Transplanting

  1. Plant green manure 3 weeks before transplanting 
  2. Slight plow in the green manure 2 days before transplanting
  3. Apply 500 liters of diluted JMS and 200 liters of JLF (or diluted FPJ, FAA, FFJ) per hectare


After Transplanting

  1. After transplanting, spray the field / plant with Trichoderma solution (1 pack to 40 liters); or Mycorrhizal Fungi solution (1pack to 40 liters)
  2. On the 1st week, apply the field / plant with 500 liters per hectare of diluted JMS or EMAS; or 2.5 liters (concentrate) or 250 liters (diluted at 10ml PSB to 1 liter of water) of PSB; and 200 liters of diluted JLF (or diluted FPJ, FAA, FFJ)
  3. Repeat the process you did during the 1st week on the 2nd week and onwards
  4. Depending on the rice variety, rice takes about 95 (early variety) to 250 (late variety) days

PEST Management

  • For INSECT Pests, spray Beauveria solution (1 pack to 40 liters) once and observe effectiveness after 1 week.  Repeat application, when no visible effectiveness is observed.  You should see dead pests covered with white fungus (i.e., Beauveria).  [Caution:  Beauveria affects the entire Phylum Arthropoda (Invertebrate with exoskeleton) that includes spiders, mites, insects, centipedes, and millipedes] 
  • For Mollusks (Snails), place barriers (screen) in the entry and exit points of irrigation water.  Snails eat young and emerging plants.  It has been observed that as rice plants mature, it becomes unpalatable to the snails which then turn to consuming weeds around rice paddies.  So direct seeded rice is more vulnerable than transplanted rice.  Local domesticated ducks can also be deployed in rice paddies to eat the snails.



Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Effective Microorganism Activated Solution (EMAS)

 Effective Microorganism Activated Solution (EMAS)

EMAS, also known as Activated EM-1, is the fermentation of EM-1 (Effective Microorganism) with molasses for 7 days.  EMAS is made up of lactobacillus, yeast, and photosynthetic bacteria.  It is a microbial inoculant for soil to improve the condition of the soil microbiome.  It can be use for sowing seeds to improve germination, drenching soil to improve fertility, immune booster for livestock,  foliar spraying, and sanitizing agent for livestock beddings and floorings.


  • EM-1 Solution
  • Molasses
  • PET bottle - 1 liter
  • Measuring cup for 50ml
  • Non-chlorinated water



  1. Add 50 ml of EM-1 solution to the empty 1 liter PET bottle;
  2. Add 50 ml of molasses to the same PET bottle;
  3. Add non-chlorinated water to fill the remaining space in the PET bottle;
  4. Label "EMAS and Date of Production";
  5. Store in a dark, cool, and dry place;
  6. Ferment for 7 days; During the fermentation period, the microorganism will geometrically grow and as a result will produce lots of gasses.  Slowly release the cap every day during the fermentation in order to release the pressure.
  7. After 7 days, the EMAS is ready for use.  The product is best use within 3 months;



  1. Dilute the 20 ml of EMAS solution with 1 liter of non-chlorinated water;
  2. For seeds sowing, soak the seeds with diluted EMAS for at least 30 minutes before sowing to improve germination;
  3. For drenching and foliar application for plants, apply once a week;
  4. As immunity booster for pets and livestock, use as tonic drink at least once a week;
  5. As sanitizing agent, apply twice a week the first time and once a week thereafter in the livestock beddings, floorings, feces and droppings;
  6. To hasten anaerobic composting, spray on the material whenever you can smell odor;
  7. Likewise, to hasten pile or pit composting, spray on the material to be composted at least once.  The composting material must be moist for EMAS to work well.




Thursday, June 30, 2022

Photosynthetic Bacteria (PSB) Solution

Photosynthetic Bacteria (PSB) Solution


PSB Solution is a microbial inoculant that you can use in your farm or garden similar to EMAS or JMS.  PSB are a group of beneficial bacteria that degrades contaminants in water and soil.  They are generally anaerobic and is believed to have built the world we live in today.  They are known to occur in water columns (Sergei Winogradsky water column) in rice fields, waste water environments, and aquatic sediments.  PSB plays an important role in the circulation of carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur.


1.  Egg (or Fish Sauce, Soy Sauce, or any Sulfur-rich material)

2.  Egg shell (as source for Calcium Carbonate and Cellulose) or you can use Agri Lime as source for Calcium Carbonate and Paper as source for Cellulose

3.  Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) - this is the Sodium salt of Glutamic acid arising from the fermentation of Glucose via the action of Corynebacterium Glutamicum.  It is one of the most naturally occuring amino acids.

4.  Pond water (or River Water as source or inoculant of the PSB bacteria); preferably, get the bottom water of the pond as the Purple Non-Sulftur Photosynthetic Bacteria (PNSPSB) thrives in anaerobic condition;

5.  Empty 1 liter Coke bottle (or similar) - 3 pcs

6.  Optional:  Seawater (Prefered - 1 cup) or Natural rock salt (1 tsp);  Do not use Iodized Salt as the Iodine in salt inhibits bacterial reproduction.


1.  Crack the egg into a bowl and stir and mix the yoke and albumen; (alternatively, you can use 1 tablespoon of fish sauce or soy sauce and add to around 50ml of water)

2.  Place the egg shell in a plastic bag.  Crush it to smaller pieces and add the crushed pieces to the bowl with stirred egg; (alternatively, you can use 1 tablespoon of Agri Lime and 3x3inches Paper and dissolve it in 50ml of water;

3.  Divide the mixture into 3 parts and add 1 part to 1 liter of Pond water.  Repeat the process till you have filled all 3 liters of Pond water.

4.  Add 1 tsp of MSG to each liter of water.  Cap the bottle and shake the contents.

5.  Place the bottles in the field where it is exposed to sunlight.

6.  The fermentation process will take approximately 30 days.  Visit the bottles every week and shake the bottle.

7.  After thirty days, the mixture should change color to "Purple".  This is now your PSB and is ready for use.

8.  Optional step:  Check under a microscope the presence of any of the Photosynthetic Bacteria.  The most well studied and preferred for tropical climate is the Purple Non-Sulfur Photosynthetic Bacteria.  However, as we now currently from the works of Dr. Elaine Ingham, Dr. David Johnson and Dr. Teruo Higa), the more varied and diverse these beneficial bacteria, the better it is for the environment, soil and agriculture.


  • For watering, mix 10 ml of PSB to 1 liter of water
  • For foliar application, mix 10ml of PSB to 10 liters of water
  • For aquarium (to reduce ammonia and nitrite wastes), mix 25ml of PSB to 10 liters of water


Types of Photosynthetic Bacteria

  1. Cyanobacteria - Color: Green;
  2. Prochlorophytes
  3. Green Sulfur Photosynthetic Bacteria (Chloro biacae) - Green; uses reduced sulfur species as electron donor;
  4. Green Non-Sulfur Photosynthetic Bacteria (Chloroflexi) - Green, filamenous
  5. Purple Sulfur Photosynthetic Bacteria (Chromatiales)- Purple, gram-negative, short rods, uses sulfide and sulfur as electron donor
  6. Purple Non-Sulfur Photosynthetic Bacteria (Rhodospirillaceae; Rhodobacter Sphaeroides; Rhodobacter capsulatus; Rhodopseudomonas) - Purple; gram-negative; rod-shape whose length can vary; eye-catching and easily identifiable; uses hydrogen gas as electron donor; preferred for tropical environment;  





 Green Sulfur Bacteria









Rhodopseudomonas under Microscope (Screen-capture from Matt Powers' Youtube)



Super Simple Procedure 



  1. PET Bottle 6 liter water container
  2. Eggs - 2 pcs
  3. MSG - Ajinomoto - 1 small pack
  4. River / Pond water


  1. Gather river / pond water using the 6 liter PET bottle;
  2. Beat the 2 eggs;
  3. Crush the eggshells and mix it with the beaten eggs;
  4. Add the MSG into the beaten eggs and mix it;
  5. Add the beaten eggs solution to the river / pond water;
  6. Cover the lid and label "PSB date_of_fermentation and date_of_harvest".  The date of harvest is 1 month after the date_of_fermentation;
  7. Place the 6 liter PET bottle PSB Solution in the sunny field to ferment;
  8. Every week, shake the bottle at least once;
  9. After one month, the contents of the PSB will turn from light yellow to purple.  This is now ready for use.  

Note:  PSB smells bad because of sulfur.  The bacteria we have cultured eats sulfur.


What to expect...

1.  This is the look of PSB on the day of fermentation after the above-mentioned procedure.  (Date of fermentation here is 1 July 2022)  

2.  After 7 days, the PSB we prepared looks green.  (Date of photo is 8 July 2022)

The PSB solution has turned milky green after I have shaken the bottle.

3.  After 14 days, the PSB has turn deep red-brown (maroon) color.  (Date of photo is 15 July 2022)


 4.  At the time of harvest (after 1 month), the PSB color did not change much from the color observed after 14 days. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS)

Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS)

(Source: e-TESDA material on Formulating Organic Concoctions and Extracts) 

Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS) is an organic concoction made by culturing lactic acid bacteria present in milk. The recommended ratio for LABS is 1-part rice wash 9-parts milk, 10-parts molasses. LABS can be used in soils, animal beddings, and as composting agent. LABS is also useful improving plants’ resistance to diseases. 



  • 100mL rice wash or hugas bigas 
  • 900mL fresh milk 
  • 1L molasses or muscovado sugar 



  • plastic container or earthen jar 
  • Manila paper 
  • plastic straw 
  • cheesecloth 



First culture 
  1. Pour 100mL rice wash into a container.
  2. Leave at least 25% of air space in the container. 
  3. Cover the container with a Manila paper and then secure it with a plastic straw. 
  4. Leave to ferment in a cool, dry place for 5-7 days. 
  5. The rice bran should float like a thin film on the surface of the liquid. 
  6. Remove the bran in preparation for the second culture. 
Second culture 
  1. Add 900mL of milk. 
  2. Use a cheesecloth to strain milk clots. 
  3. Cover and ferment for 7-10 days. 
  4. After 7-10 days, the fat and milk solids will float on the surface, leaving the serum at the bottom. 
  5. Remove the fat and milk solids and add them to your compost. 
  6. Add equivalent amount of molasses to the mixture. The more you put, the more will be available for the lactic acid bacteria to consume. 
  7. Ferment for another 5-7 days. 
  8. Transfer to a clean container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. 
  9. Transfer the mixture into a plastic bottle. Do not seal the cap too tightly because pressure will continue to build up for 2 weeks after harvest. 



Properly stored LABS will last for 6 months if unused. Apply as: 

  • as immunity booster for animals Dilute 2 tbsps./20mL for every liter of water.
  • as composting agent Dilute 2 tbsps./20mL for every liter of water. 
  • as sanitizing agent for soil and beddings in poultry/livestock production Dilute 2 tbsps./20mL for every liter of water.

Oriental Herb Nutrient (OHN)

Oriental Herb Nutrient (OHN)

(Source: e-TESDA material on Formulating Organic Concoctions and Extracts)

Oriental Herb Nutrient or OHN is an organic extract made from plants and herbs. It is used in crop production for its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It is also used in pest control. OHN improves the immune system of plants and animals. 



  • 1 kg garlic 
  • 1 kg ginger 
  • 400 g Muscovado sugar 
  • 4.4 L pure coconut vinegar 
  • 200g of red hot chili pepper or sili 
  • 100g of makabuhay plant 



  • plastic pail with lid/cover 
  • wooden ladle
  • masking tape
  • strainer funnel




First Extraction 

  1. Skin the garlic and ginger. 
  2. Cut the garlic in halves and slice the ginger into a quarter of an inch. 
  3. Mix garlic with 400g muscovado sugar in a plastic pail. 
  4. Wipe the rim of the plastic pail and cover with a lid. 
  5. Seal with a masking tape on the side. 
  6. Label with the name of the product, and the date of first fermentation. 
  7. After 3 days, open the cover and add 2.4L of pure coconut vinegar. 
  8. Once again, wipe the rim of the plastic pail and cover it with a lid.
  9. Seal with a masking tape on the side. 
  10. After 10 days, siphon 1L of the mixture into another container. The concoction is now ready for human and animal consumption. 


Second Extraction

  1. Add 1L of coconut vinegar to the original mixture. 
  2. Once again, wipe the rim of the plastic pail and cover it with a lid. 
  3. Seal with a masking tape on the side. 
  4. After 10 days, siphon 1L of the mixture into another container. The concoction is now ready for animal consumption and as foliar fertilizer. 


Third Extraction (OHN2)

  1. Add 1L of coconut vinegar to the original mixture. 
  2. Add 200g of red hot chili pepper or sili, 100g of makabuhay plant. 
  3. Once again, wipe the rim of the plastic pail and cover it with a lid. 
  4. Seal with a masking tape on the side. 
  5. Strain and transfer the mixture into a plastic bottle. Do not seal the cap too tightly because pressure will continue to build up for 2 weeks after harvest. Use this 3rd extract as a bio-pesticide. 




Properly stored OHN will last for 6 months if unused. Apply them as: 

  • as natural antibiotic for chicken For every liter of water, add 2 tbsps./20mL of OHN. 
  • as bio-pesticide and fungicide for plants For every liter of water, add 2 tbsps./20mL of OHN. Drench/spray onto leaves or soil. as sanitizing agent for beddings

Natural Health Enhancer (3Cs)

Natural Health Enhancer (3Cs)

(Source: e-TESDA material on Formulating Organic Concoctions and Extracts)


  • 250g celery 250g
  • carrots 250g
  • cucumber 250g
  • muscovado sugar or coco sugar
  • salt solution (one-part salt, 4-parts water) 
  • vegetable peeler knife and chopping board
  • plastic container
  • strainer
  • funnel 
  1. Soak the celery, carrot, and cucumber in salt solution for 5 minutes. 
  2. Wash them and drain for another 5 minutes. 
  3. Slice the celery, carrot, and cucumber into the size of an inch. 
  4. Layer the ingredients in a container in the following sequence (from bottom to top): carrots, sugar, celery, sugar, cucumber sugar. The total amount of sugar must be divided by 3 for each layer. 
  5. Cover and set aside for 7-14 days. 
  6. After 7-14 days, strain the mixture and transfer into a bottle. Do not seal the cap too tightly because the pressure will continue to build up for 2 weeks after harvest and this might cause the contents to gush out. 
  7. Store in a cool, dry place. 
Properly stored 3Cs will last for 40 days. Apply as: 
  • health drink for humans and animals: Dilute 20mL of 3Cs per 1L of water. 
  • foliar fertilizer: Dilute 20mL of 3Cs per 1L of water


Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Natural Insect Attractant (NIA)

Natural Insect Attractant

(Source: e-TESDA material on Formulating Organic Concoctions and Extracts)

Natural Insect Attractant (NIA) is an organic extract used to lure away flying insects from crops. It works by attracting the insects into a makeshift trap. Unlike other organic concoctions and extracts, the natural insect attractant does not undergo fermentation. It is simply made from other fermented concoctions and extracts.



  • 1gal coconut vinegar 
  • 0.5L molasses 
  • 300mL fermented plant juice 



  • stove and pot wooden ladle
  • container 



  1. Bring the coconut vinegar to a boil and then remove from heat.
  2. Add 0.5L molasses and set aside to cool. 
  3. Add 300mL FPJ. Mix well. 
  4. Transfer into a clean container and store in a cool, dry place. 


Setting Up the Trap


  • Natural Insect Attractant 1L plastic bottle or bigger cutter or scissors rope/straw/tie-wire



  1. Cut out holes on the sides of the plastic bottle. 
  2. Pour at least 40mL of NIA at the bottom portion. 
  3. Make a smaller hole on the cap with which a rope/straw/wire can come through. This will be used to hang the bottle in trees, or stick poles around the area for crop production. 
  4. Dispose of the trapped insects regularly. And replenish the trap with insect attractant.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Fortified Organic Compost

Fortified Organic Compost 

(source: e-TESDA material on Organic Fertilizer, 31 May 2022)

Fortified Organic Compost is made from farm waste, fortified with several organic concoctions and extracts. 



  • 100kg farm waste (dried leaves, vegetable trimmings, twigs, etc.) 
  • 30L IMO solution 
  • 100kg soil 
  • 15L FAA solution 
  • 100kg manure (pig manure/chicken dung) 
  • 13 batches of 15L FAA/FFJ/CALPHOS Solution 



  1. Build a pile from 100kg of farm waste. The pile should not be less than 60cm in height. 
  2. Drench with 30L IMO solution. Turn the pile for a more even distribution. 
  3. Cover with plastic, jute bags, or canvas and allow to sit for 3 days. 
  4. After 3 days, add 100kg of farm soil. 
  5. Drench with 15L FAA solution. Turn the pile for a more even distribution. 
  6. Cover with plastic, jute bags, or canvas and allow to sit for 3 days. 
  7. After 3 days, add 100kg of manure. 
  8. Drench with 15L FAA/FFJ/CALPHOS solution. 
  9. Cover with plastic, jute bags, or canvas and allow to sit for 3 days. 
  10. After that, drench the pile with 15L FAA/FFJ/CALPHOS solution for the next 12 days.
  11. Allow the temperature of the pile to go down before placing them in sacks. 
  12. Store in a shaded area.




(source: e-TESDA material on Organic Fertilizer, 31 May 2022)

Vermictea is a type of liquid fertilizer derived from vermicompost. It is rich in micro-organisms, and nutrients needed for soil fertility and plant growth. It can be processed by manual means or with the help of a vermitea brewer. The former produces vermicompost extract while the latter produces vermitea. 


Vermitea vs. Vermicompost 

Vermitea has higher microbial activity and extracted nutrients. However, it requires the use of a brewer which may not be available to all farms. Meanwhile, the vermicompost extract can be made with simple equipment. The downside is that it has lesser microbes and nutrients.



  • 1kg vermicompost 
  • 30L water 1/2kg sugar or molasses 
  • vermitea brewer 
  • 250mL pure EMAS 
  • 250 mL pure FAA 



  1. Add vermicompost, sugar, and water in the vermitea brewer. 
  2. Allow to brew for 24 hours. 


Making Vermicompost Extract 


  • 1/4kg vermicompost 
  • 1 gallon of water old sock/cloth 



  1. Place vermicompost in an old sock/cloth. 
  2. Let the sock/cloth, containing the compost, steep in a pail of water for 2 hours. 
  3. You can squeeze the sock/cloth for faster extraction. 
  4. You can stir the mixture for aeration. 


Bokashi - Anaerobic Method

Bokashi - Anaerobic Method

(source:  e-TESDA material on Organic Fertilizer, 31 May 2022)



  • 20 kg rice bran 
  • 20 kg carbonized rice hull 
  • 10kg copra meal 
  • 200 mL EMAS 
  • 200mL molasses 
  • 30L water 



  1. Dilute EMAS and molasses in water
  2. Mix all the solid ingredients with the diluted solution. 
  3.  Check for moisture content (should be 30-40%). 
  4. Ferment for 2-3 weeks in an airtight container. 
  5. Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. 



Anaerobic Bokashi can be used as: 

  • feed additive
  • soil fertilizer 
  • composting agent 
  • treatment for manures 
  • treatment for kitchen garbage 
  • ingredient for mud balls (sanitizing agent)

Bokashi - Aerobic Method

Bokashi - Aerobic Method

(source:  e-TESDA material on Organic Fertilizer, 31 May 2022)


  • 20kg rice bran
  • 20kg carbonized rice hull 
  • 10kg animal dung 
  • 200 mL EMAS 
  • 200 mL molasses 
  • 40 L water 
  1. Dilute EMAS and molasses in water. 
  2. Mix all the solid ingredients with the diluted solution. 
  3. Check for moisture content (should be 40-50%). 
  4. Cover with jute bags and allow to ferment for 1 week in an area without rain or direct sunlight. 
  5. After 1 week, add 500mL of pure FAA and 10mL of EMAS diluted in 1L of water. 
  6. Turn the pile if its temperature exceeds 500C. 
  7. Allow to dry without direct sunlight. 
  8. Store in a cool, dry place. 
Aerobic Bokashi can be used as: 
  • soil fertilizer 
  • composting agent 
  • treatment for kitchen garbage
  • treatment for manure
  • ingredient for mud balls (sanitizing agent)

Fortified Organic Fertilizer

Fortified Organic Fertilizer

(e-tesda course on organic fertilizer, 30 May 2022)

Fortified Organic Fertilizer is fertilizer made from carbon-rich and nitrogen-rich materials mixed with several organic concoctions and extracts. The preparation for Fortified Organic Fertilizer takes 20 days. The formulation presented in this course produces 600kg of organic fertilizer but can be scaled down for small-scale farms. 



This is just a reference implementation on how you can make a fortified organic fertilizer.  Based on this, you can formulate your own based on the materials available to you and based on the fertilization needs of your farms or garden. 


  • 100kg D2 rice bran
  • 30L IMO solution
  • 1L IMO: 29L water
  • 200kg decomposed animal manure 
  • 30L FAA solution x2 
  • 1L FAA: 29L water 100kg soil 
  • 30L FAA/FFJ/CALPHOS solution 
  • 200mL FAA: 200mL FFJ: 100mL CALPHOS: 29.5L water 
  • 15L FAA/FFJ solution x5 250 mL FAA: 250mL FFJ: 14.5L water 
  • 100kg CRH 
  • 100kg vermicast 
  • 30L IMO/FAA Solution 
  • 500mL IMO:500mL FAA: 29L water 



  1. Secure the compost area and pile 100kg of D2 rice bran. 
  2. Drench the pile with 30L IMO solution. 
  3. Cover with plastic, jute bags, or canvas and allow to sit for 3 days. 
  4. Add 200kg of decomposed animal manure and drench with 30L FAA solution. 
  5. Cover with plastic, jute bags, or canvas and allow to sit for 3 days. 
  6. Add 100kg of soil and drench with 30L FAA/FFJ/CALPHOS solution. 
  7. Cover with plastic, jute bags, or canvas and allow to sit for 3 days.
  8. For 5 days, drench the pile with 15L FAA/FFJ solution. 
  9. Add 100kg of CRH and drench with 30L FAA solution.
  10. Cover with plastic, jute bags, or canvas and allow to sit for 3 days. 
  11. Add 100kg of vermicast and drench with 30L IMO/FAA solution. 
  12. Allow to sit for 3 days and check for moisture content. If the moisture content is between 30-40%, then the fertilizer is ready for use.

14-Day Method: Rapid Composting Method

This method is taken from Organic Agriculture Training Manual by PCAARRD (2012) as cited by E-TESDA Material on Organic Agriculture (30 May 2022).


  • plant materials and animal manure (1:1) 20kg plant materials 20kg animal manure
  • shovel
  • 1m x 1m plastic sheet
  • banana/coconut leaves or jute sacks


  1. Optional: If you want to prevent the nutrients from leaching, place a plastic sheet at the base of the compost pile.  Add soil up to 10 – 20cm high around the plastic to create a “shallow tank.” 
  2. Bring plant and animal materials to the compost site. 
  3. Reduce the size of the plant materials by using a shredder or by manual chopping. 
  4. Mix the crop materials with equal amount of fresh manure (ratio = 50:50). 
  5. Pile the mixture into a heap, measuring at least 1m x 1m x 1m (length, width, height). 
  6. Cover the heap with banana leaves, coconut leaves, or other suitable material such as damaged jute sacks. 
  7. After 3-4 days, check if the compost heap is generating heat. If not, add more manure. 
  8. On the same day, turn the pile inside out – from the center to the outer sides. This will also improve aeration. 
  9. Turn the heap after every 2 days to hasten decomposition. 
  10. In 14 – 18 days, the compost will be ready for harvest. The compost should have an earthy smell, not a foul odor. The raw materials should be unrecognizable and broken down to humus.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Making JADAM Wetting Agent (JWA) from Perla Soap

JWA can be made from Perla (brand) soap.  Since Perla is essentially a soft soap, JWA can be made from it. Perla is a natural soap that is used by people with sensitive skin.  It is marketed here in the country as a laundry soap for more than 50 years. The following procedure makes around 150ml of JWA.

Materials Needed

  • Perla (brand) soap; Only Perla brand soap will quality as pure potassium soap; Buy 3 bars but you will only be using 2.5 bars.  You can easily cut the soap bar using a knife.
  • Filtered or Distilled Water (soft water); 1 liter (Do not use mineral water).  If you do not have soft water, use rainwater.
  • Jar that can hold more than 1 liter of water



  1. Cut the Perla soap into smaller cubes
  2. Place the cut cubes into the jar
  3. Pour the 1 liter soft water
  4. Let it stay for 1 day and stir occasionally to dissolve Perla in water
  5. Once fully dissolve, let it stay for a few days (1 week), the soap solution will separate into light and heavy.  The light part (this is the transparent part and will float at the top of the solution) is your JWA.  
  6. Carefully pour the transparent soap to a new container ensuring as much as possible not to get the heavy part (this is the murky part of the solution)

DO NOT throw away the murky part of the solution.  This is still soap but may not be ideal as JWA as it is heavy.  Use this for washing utensils and as you would use a liquid soap.

Dilution Ratio / Usage

 5ml to 30ml JWA to 1 liter of water.

Friday, March 11, 2022

JADAM Wetting Agent (JWA)


JADAM Wetting Agent (JWA) is a liquid potassium soap.  JWA is defined as a surfactant/emulsifier and is widely use as a method of controling pests. JWA is a natural and biodegradable soft soap consisting of potassium salts of fatty acids resulting from the saponification of coconut oil (any vegetable oil) with Potassium Hydroxide (KOH).

Soft soaps have been used for hundreds years as they are simple to make, environmentally safe, detrimental to pests and easily broken down by microbes and therefore turned into nutrients for plants.

JWA works by direct contact with the pests where the fatty acids penetrate their bodies and disrupt the cell membrane causing dehydration and death. JWA can control issues such as aphids, mealybugs, mites, leafhoppers, scale insects, caterpillars, thrips, whitefly, powdery mildew and more.

Avoid spraying during a sunny day as it can cause burns. Do not use on sweet peas, nasturtiums, delicate ferns and use with care on seedlings, transplants and flowers.

Test on a small patch if concerned about plant sensitivity.

No expiry date.


Materials Needed

  • Coconut Oil (or any vegetable oil) – 5.625 liters 

  • Potassium hydroxide (KOH) - 1 kg 

  • Filtered or Distilled water – 0.781 liter; 6.250 liter water; 18.750 liter water  
  • Heat resistant plastic container with air tight lid (that can hold 40 liters of water)
  • Blender or Drill & Paint mixer
  • Scale and container for measurement


This is a recipe for 31.406 liter JWA (1.0 kg of KOH, 0.781 liter Initial water, 5.625 liter Coconut oil, 25 liter added total water (Can be scaled up or down):

  1. Using 1 kg of KOH, add the 0.781 liter of water and mix them in the heat resistant container, close the lid and swirl the container around until the KOH is fully dissolved. Be careful as this reaction releases a fair amount of heat.
  2. Measure out exactly 5.625 liters of coconut oil and add it to the container with the KOH and water.
  3. With the drill and paint mixer, or blender, mix the solution until it reaches the consistency of a thin mayonnaise.

  4. Close the lid and let the container sit for 3 days, it should harden and feel like butter if not, repeat step 3.

  5. Add 6.250 liter of water and blend it slowly with your mixing tool making sure there are no clumps left stuck at the bottom or on the sides.
  6. Add the remaining 18.750 liters of water and stir manually with a stick, close the lid and let it dissolve completely for 24 hours.
  7. Store the solution in an airtight container. It has no expiry date.


Dilution Ratio

(0.005 to 0.030 : 1) 5 to 30 ml of JWA to 1 liter of Water


Common Measurements

Other common quantity measurements are calculated below: 

Estimated Quantity (in liters)100.510.05
KOH (in kg)3.20.32
Coconut Oil (in liters)181.8
1st Water Mix (in liters)2.50.25
2nd Water Mix, after 3 days (in liters)202
3rd Water Mix, after slow mixing to dissolve soap lumps (in liters)606


Organic Standards Compliance  

Is the use of KOH in making JWA allowed under organic standards?  

Since JWA is a liquid potassium soap, it is allowed under Philippine organic standards.  It complies with the Philippine National Standards on Organic Agriculture that listed Potassium Soap among the list of permitted crop protectants.  (Annex A:  List of Permitted Crop Protectants, Growth Regulators,  and Seed Treatments for the Production of Organic Food, Philippine National Standard (PNS), PNS/BAFS 07:2016, p. 29).

It also complies with USDA National Organic Program (NOP) as determined by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) [https://www.omri.org], a competent authority in USDA NOP, which made the clarification in a letter sent to JADAM headquarters [https://en.jadam.kr).


Estimated Cost

The estimated cost per liter of JWA at current prices (4 April 2022) is PhP44.00/liter (Forty Four Philippine Pesos per Liter).  This is a higher estimate of cost where water is costed based on Distilled Water (Wilkins) is used (around P14/liter) in the preparation for JWA.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Soil Food Web (SFW) - Core Biology

Soil Food Web (SFW) is the description of the complex process of how various microorganism  interacts with each other and in the process naturally fertilizes the soil for plants to grow and for carbon to be sequestered in the soil.  The SFW describes the biology that makes the nitrogen cycle work.  SFW as a concept is derived from the researches of Dr. Elaine Ingham and has been continuously enriched by other soil scientists and farm practitioners in the field of agriculture.

The core biology in the SFW are the following:

  1. Bacteria (of Domain Bacteria)
  2. Archaea (of Domain Archaea)
  3. Fungi (of Domain Eukarya)
  4. Protozoa, notably Amoeba, Flagella, Cilia (of Domain Eukayra)
  5. Soil nematodes (of Domain Eukarya)
  6. Microarthopods (of Domain Eurkarya)

Thursday, March 3, 2022

RedHill Compost Pile

RedHill Compost Pile is an adaptation of hot compost pile by Dr. Elaine Ingham using the waste product of Copra cooking.  It uses coconut husks in place of  chicken wire and coconut shells at its base to promote aeration of the compost material.  The compost material is made up of  coconut husks, cut grasses and weeds, cow and carabao manure (whenever available) following the brown-green-brown-green piling order.  This adaptation do not do the "turning-over" of the compost pile on a regular basis as it is impractical in a farm without machinery.

Materials Needed:

  • Coconut husks - brown material
  • Coconut shell - brown material
  • Freshly cut grasses and weeds - green material
  • Dried grasses, banana leaves, paper - brown material
  • Cow and carabao manure (whenever available) - green material


  1. Use coconut husks to make a circular shell of the compost pile.  The radius of the circular pile is approximately 4 feet or a circumference of 25 feet.

  2. Place coconut shells at the base in order to provide aeration to the compost pile from the bottom.  The height of the coconut shells to act as base is approximately 1 ft.
  3. Place green compost material after the base material.  These are the freshly cut grasses and weeds, and cow and carabao (water buffalo) manure.  The height of the green compost material is approximately 1.5 ft to 2 ft.
  4. Place the brown compost material.  These are the dried grasses, dried banana leaves, paper, coconut husks, coconut shells, tree trimmings and the like.  The height of the grown material is approximately 1.5 ft to 2 ft.
  5. Repeat the process in No. 3 and 4 until the pile reaches a height of around 4 to 5 ft.  The preferred top material to use is coconut husks (brown material) in order for the pile to look beautiful and not appear to be an open waste pile.  This is intended for neighbors not to use the pile as their waste disposal site. 

  6. Before capping the compost pile material with coconut husks, sprinkler the material with Jadam Microorganism Solution (JMS) or Effective Microorganism Activated Solution (EMAS).  Around 10 liters of JMS or EMAS maybe used.

  7. Leave the pile for 4 to 6 months until the inner material is fully decomposed.
  8. Afterwards, harvest the decomposed material for use as replacement for vermicast in nursery, or as compost material to be mix with soil on the farm plots, or as compost slurry (concentrated compost tea) for hydroponics solution B (complete fertilizer, trace elements, humic acids).


DO NOT construct the compost pile near farm sheds and houses due to risk of fire.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

JADAM Mineral Water

JADAM Natural Mineral Water (NMW) is a technology that will convert your existing overhead tank into a reservoir of soft water that can be use for drinking and as a necessary input to the JADAM Natural Pesticide (JNP). NMW will covert hard water into soft water thru the action of microorganism present is the leaf mold soil (LMS).


  • Overhead tank 



  1. Collect rocks from your area and cover the bottom of the bank to a height of 1 ft (24 inches).
  2. Fill-in 1/3 of a plastic or Abaca gunnysack (water resistant) with leaf mold soil (LMS) and hang it in the tank so that the contents will seep into the water.  Change the gunnysack with LMS once or twice per year.  DO NOT USE COTTON GUNNYSACK as the microorganism will eat into the gunnysack.
  3. After 2-3 days, microbes would have decomposed the contaminants and water will be of excellent quality.


Note:  3,000 liters of water is good for 1,000 square meter (0.1 ha).

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

JADAM Liquid Fertilizer (JLF)

JADAM Liquid Fertilizer is a nutrient supplement for the crop that is principally derived from grass.  According to JADAM, the best fertilizer is the grass that grows on the soil.  All you need is to cut it.  If growing grass is difficult, use grass eating animal manure.  Fruits, leaves, roots and branches of crops (crop residues) can also be used.

Materials Needed

  1. Pail with cover
  2. Grass cutting tool or equipment
  3. Leaf mold soil (LMF) - 1 cup or more


  1. Cut and gather grasses and fill the pail up to 90%.
  2. Add leaf mold soil
  3. Add water till grass material is submerged
  4. Close the lid cover and let it stay for a minimum of 10 days
  5. After 10 days, the grass residue can be used with a dilution ratio of 1:30 to 1:100 (Recommended)
  6. Place the covered pail with JLF near the target plot
  7. Do not throw grass material when residue is empty.  Just add water and leaf mold soil.  If grass material has shrunk already, add additional grass material.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Storing JADAM Microorganism Solution (JMS)

The process of storing JMS (Diluted) will convert the liquid material into solid material for storage.  This process will immobilized the microorganism (and fungi) and will create microorganism spores that can be stored.  Estimated storage period is 2 years under shaded, cool and dry place.  The following procedure will produce 100kg (2 sacks) of JADAM Microorganism Material (JMM).


Place & Materials Needed and Ingredients

  1. Outdoor shaded area (suggestion:  below a large tree) with enough space to place and mix 100 kg of material
  2. JMS (Diluted) - about 20 liters
  3. Rice bran (Darak) or wheat bran 
  4. Sprinkler
  5. Shovel



  1. Place the rice bran material in the shaded area and make it into a pile.  The pile should not exceed 2 feet in height.
  2. Place the diluted JMS in the splinkler and wet the rice bran material.  Mix the rice bran material using a shovel until moisture from the diluted JMS is about 60%.  Tip:  Get a handful of rice bran material and squeeze.  If you are able to make a rice bran ball, then it is already with 60% moisture.  If the rice bran ball easily crumbles, it is either too much or too few moisture.
  3. Cover the rice bran pile material with straw or a heat shield.  Expect within 2-3 days, the material will heat up and within 15 days, the material will now cool down.
  4. Once cooled, transfer the material to covered area (indoor) where it can dry.  
  5. Once dried, the material can be crushed and stored in a paper bag.


  1. Use the JMM as a microorganism input (mix it with soil in the field), as basal inoculant for trees, and teas for drench and foliar spraying.

JADAM Indigenous Microorganism Solution (JMS)

JADAM is a natural farming technology developed by Youngsang Cho.  JADAM is also a group of organic farmers which was established in 1991 and led by Youngsang Cho.  Accordingly, JADAM is a Korean abbreviation of "Jayonul Damun Saramdul" which roughly translates to “People who mimic nature".

The core technology of JADAM is centered on the JADAM Indigenous Microorganism Solution (JMS) and the use of Leaf Mold Soil (LMS).  The following notes are the requirements and procedure on how to make a 3 liter JMS. 


Materials needed and Ingredients

  1. Leaf Mold Soil  - 1/2 cup (3% of Total Material including water)
  2. Casava, Potato, or Sweet Potato (whichever is available) - 1 pc (3% of Total Material including water)
  3. Water (Non-chlorinated; If chlorinated, rest for 24 hours) - 3 liters
  4. Salt (non-iodized) 11g (approximately 1 teaspoon) or 330ml seawater (3% of Total Material including water)
  5. Stick
  6. Bucket (size can fit 3 liters)
  7. String
  8. Mesh cloth
  9. Optional:  juice material from leaves, fruits, and roots of targeted plants


Procedure: Pour water to container 

  1. Dissolve the sea salt in water 
  2. Place the boiled casava and leaf mold soil in mesh net and knead the contents into water. Do this also for the crop material (optional). 
  3. Hang the remaining solids in the water 
  4. Close the lid and leave under the sun near the target crop for culturing (above 18C) for 1 to 3 days 
  5. Monitor when foam forms and harvest the JMS when foam is at its most vigorous
  6. Dilution ratio is 1:10. 1 part of JMS to 10 parts of water (This makes 30 liters of Diluted JMS)
  7. Use clean sprayer and when finished spraying, clean the sprayer immediately before storing       


For other quantities, the following are the guide: 

Good for

Water (liters) 500 100 70 60 50
5.00 7.14 8.33 10.00

Sea Salt (kg) 0.5 0.1 0.07 0.06 0.05
Potatoes (kg) 1 0.2 0.14 0.12 0.1
Leaf Mold Soil (kg) 0.5 0.1 0.07 0.06 0.05
Crop-customized Microbes (Various parts of the targeted Crop Material in kg) 1 0.2 0.14 0.12 0.1

Dilution Ratio 1 JMS:10 of Water

JMS (in liter) 500 100 70 60 50
Water (in liter) 5000 1000 700 600 500
Total JMS Diluted (JMDS) 5500 1100 770 660 550


Note:  You will need to make 1000 liters of JMS for 3 hectares of ricefield