Monday, May 30, 2022



(source: e-TESDA material on Organic Fertilizer, 31 May 2022)

Vermictea is a type of liquid fertilizer derived from vermicompost. It is rich in micro-organisms, and nutrients needed for soil fertility and plant growth. It can be processed by manual means or with the help of a vermitea brewer. The former produces vermicompost extract while the latter produces vermitea. 


Vermitea vs. Vermicompost 

Vermitea has higher microbial activity and extracted nutrients. However, it requires the use of a brewer which may not be available to all farms. Meanwhile, the vermicompost extract can be made with simple equipment. The downside is that it has lesser microbes and nutrients.



  • 1kg vermicompost 
  • 30L water 1/2kg sugar or molasses 
  • vermitea brewer 
  • 250mL pure EMAS 
  • 250 mL pure FAA 



  1. Add vermicompost, sugar, and water in the vermitea brewer. 
  2. Allow to brew for 24 hours. 


Making Vermicompost Extract 


  • 1/4kg vermicompost 
  • 1 gallon of water old sock/cloth 



  1. Place vermicompost in an old sock/cloth. 
  2. Let the sock/cloth, containing the compost, steep in a pail of water for 2 hours. 
  3. You can squeeze the sock/cloth for faster extraction. 
  4. You can stir the mixture for aeration. 


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