Monday, May 30, 2022

Fortified Organic Compost

Fortified Organic Compost 

(source: e-TESDA material on Organic Fertilizer, 31 May 2022)

Fortified Organic Compost is made from farm waste, fortified with several organic concoctions and extracts. 



  • 100kg farm waste (dried leaves, vegetable trimmings, twigs, etc.) 
  • 30L IMO solution 
  • 100kg soil 
  • 15L FAA solution 
  • 100kg manure (pig manure/chicken dung) 
  • 13 batches of 15L FAA/FFJ/CALPHOS Solution 



  1. Build a pile from 100kg of farm waste. The pile should not be less than 60cm in height. 
  2. Drench with 30L IMO solution. Turn the pile for a more even distribution. 
  3. Cover with plastic, jute bags, or canvas and allow to sit for 3 days. 
  4. After 3 days, add 100kg of farm soil. 
  5. Drench with 15L FAA solution. Turn the pile for a more even distribution. 
  6. Cover with plastic, jute bags, or canvas and allow to sit for 3 days. 
  7. After 3 days, add 100kg of manure. 
  8. Drench with 15L FAA/FFJ/CALPHOS solution. 
  9. Cover with plastic, jute bags, or canvas and allow to sit for 3 days. 
  10. After that, drench the pile with 15L FAA/FFJ/CALPHOS solution for the next 12 days.
  11. Allow the temperature of the pile to go down before placing them in sacks. 
  12. Store in a shaded area.


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