Saturday, March 19, 2022

Making JADAM Wetting Agent (JWA) from Perla Soap

JWA can be made from Perla (brand) soap.  Since Perla is essentially a soft soap, JWA can be made from it. Perla is a natural soap that is used by people with sensitive skin.  It is marketed here in the country as a laundry soap for more than 50 years. The following procedure makes around 150ml of JWA.

Materials Needed

  • Perla (brand) soap; Only Perla brand soap will quality as pure potassium soap; Buy 3 bars but you will only be using 2.5 bars.  You can easily cut the soap bar using a knife.
  • Filtered or Distilled Water (soft water); 1 liter (Do not use mineral water).  If you do not have soft water, use rainwater.
  • Jar that can hold more than 1 liter of water



  1. Cut the Perla soap into smaller cubes
  2. Place the cut cubes into the jar
  3. Pour the 1 liter soft water
  4. Let it stay for 1 day and stir occasionally to dissolve Perla in water
  5. Once fully dissolve, let it stay for a few days (1 week), the soap solution will separate into light and heavy.  The light part (this is the transparent part and will float at the top of the solution) is your JWA.  
  6. Carefully pour the transparent soap to a new container ensuring as much as possible not to get the heavy part (this is the murky part of the solution)

DO NOT throw away the murky part of the solution.  This is still soap but may not be ideal as JWA as it is heavy.  Use this for washing utensils and as you would use a liquid soap.

Dilution Ratio / Usage

 5ml to 30ml JWA to 1 liter of water.

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