Monday, May 30, 2022

14-Day Method: Rapid Composting Method

This method is taken from Organic Agriculture Training Manual by PCAARRD (2012) as cited by E-TESDA Material on Organic Agriculture (30 May 2022).


  • plant materials and animal manure (1:1) 20kg plant materials 20kg animal manure
  • shovel
  • 1m x 1m plastic sheet
  • banana/coconut leaves or jute sacks


  1. Optional: If you want to prevent the nutrients from leaching, place a plastic sheet at the base of the compost pile.  Add soil up to 10 – 20cm high around the plastic to create a “shallow tank.” 
  2. Bring plant and animal materials to the compost site. 
  3. Reduce the size of the plant materials by using a shredder or by manual chopping. 
  4. Mix the crop materials with equal amount of fresh manure (ratio = 50:50). 
  5. Pile the mixture into a heap, measuring at least 1m x 1m x 1m (length, width, height). 
  6. Cover the heap with banana leaves, coconut leaves, or other suitable material such as damaged jute sacks. 
  7. After 3-4 days, check if the compost heap is generating heat. If not, add more manure. 
  8. On the same day, turn the pile inside out – from the center to the outer sides. This will also improve aeration. 
  9. Turn the heap after every 2 days to hasten decomposition. 
  10. In 14 – 18 days, the compost will be ready for harvest. The compost should have an earthy smell, not a foul odor. The raw materials should be unrecognizable and broken down to humus.

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