Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS)

Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS)

(Source: e-TESDA material on Formulating Organic Concoctions and Extracts) 

Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS) is an organic concoction made by culturing lactic acid bacteria present in milk. The recommended ratio for LABS is 1-part rice wash 9-parts milk, 10-parts molasses. LABS can be used in soils, animal beddings, and as composting agent. LABS is also useful improving plants’ resistance to diseases. 



  • 100mL rice wash or hugas bigas 
  • 900mL fresh milk 
  • 1L molasses or muscovado sugar 



  • plastic container or earthen jar 
  • Manila paper 
  • plastic straw 
  • cheesecloth 



First culture 
  1. Pour 100mL rice wash into a container.
  2. Leave at least 25% of air space in the container. 
  3. Cover the container with a Manila paper and then secure it with a plastic straw. 
  4. Leave to ferment in a cool, dry place for 5-7 days. 
  5. The rice bran should float like a thin film on the surface of the liquid. 
  6. Remove the bran in preparation for the second culture. 
Second culture 
  1. Add 900mL of milk. 
  2. Use a cheesecloth to strain milk clots. 
  3. Cover and ferment for 7-10 days. 
  4. After 7-10 days, the fat and milk solids will float on the surface, leaving the serum at the bottom. 
  5. Remove the fat and milk solids and add them to your compost. 
  6. Add equivalent amount of molasses to the mixture. The more you put, the more will be available for the lactic acid bacteria to consume. 
  7. Ferment for another 5-7 days. 
  8. Transfer to a clean container and store in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight. 
  9. Transfer the mixture into a plastic bottle. Do not seal the cap too tightly because pressure will continue to build up for 2 weeks after harvest. 



Properly stored LABS will last for 6 months if unused. Apply as: 

  • as immunity booster for animals Dilute 2 tbsps./20mL for every liter of water.
  • as composting agent Dilute 2 tbsps./20mL for every liter of water. 
  • as sanitizing agent for soil and beddings in poultry/livestock production Dilute 2 tbsps./20mL for every liter of water.

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