Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Natural Health Enhancer (3Cs)

Natural Health Enhancer (3Cs)

(Source: e-TESDA material on Formulating Organic Concoctions and Extracts)


  • 250g celery 250g
  • carrots 250g
  • cucumber 250g
  • muscovado sugar or coco sugar
  • salt solution (one-part salt, 4-parts water) 
  • vegetable peeler knife and chopping board
  • plastic container
  • strainer
  • funnel 
  1. Soak the celery, carrot, and cucumber in salt solution for 5 minutes. 
  2. Wash them and drain for another 5 minutes. 
  3. Slice the celery, carrot, and cucumber into the size of an inch. 
  4. Layer the ingredients in a container in the following sequence (from bottom to top): carrots, sugar, celery, sugar, cucumber sugar. The total amount of sugar must be divided by 3 for each layer. 
  5. Cover and set aside for 7-14 days. 
  6. After 7-14 days, strain the mixture and transfer into a bottle. Do not seal the cap too tightly because the pressure will continue to build up for 2 weeks after harvest and this might cause the contents to gush out. 
  7. Store in a cool, dry place. 
Properly stored 3Cs will last for 40 days. Apply as: 
  • health drink for humans and animals: Dilute 20mL of 3Cs per 1L of water. 
  • foliar fertilizer: Dilute 20mL of 3Cs per 1L of water


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